911 is a Quadriplegic Lie

This is another of the Conspiracy Theories I’ve been doing recently. SW

It’s common knowledge the official 911 story is a lie. So I won’t go over it in great detail.

But if one part of the story is uncovered it all falls apart. Much of the scam is out, though the American media won’t admit to it as they are part of the con.

Cessna 150 Cockpit

It was claimed Mahomet Atta took some lessons in a Cessna. He would have seen this little interior console here. And then it is said he got into a cockpit of a Boeing 767 that he had never seen before with its 200 buttons and dials, and he suddenly miraculously knew how to fly the Boeing at 500+ miles an hour from Boston to New York, a distance of 225 miles, and make steep turns and complex moves to hit one of the towers in New York with pin-point accuracy.

Boeing Cockpit

How did he navigate? Lookin’ out the windows? Waving a hanky?

He would have asked  إذا كان الأخهي F..ck نيويورك. — which loosely translates to: “Where the F..ck’s New York Bro?”

Atta was innocent he never flew that plane. The day after 911, he called his dad in Egypt saying he was fine and alive.

The planes that hit the towers were grey in color. United Airlines’ livery is blue with a red stripe, so Atta would have had to stop for a make-over paint job on the way down from Boston. Silly eh? Lies, cruel really. So many died.

Both Rumsfeld and Cheaney admitted Flt 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania was shot down by the American Air Force. The Pentagon was hit by a missile.

Conspiracy theories say Israeli intelligence Mossad did 911 in collusion with the neo-Conseravatives in the White House, Bush, Cheney Rumsfeld.

Jewish people that worked in the Twin Towers got text messages on their mobile phones warning them two hours before the hit, so that added to the Mossad suspicion.

Bush was thrilled with 911–he was smiling, he was quoted saying  “I won the trifecta”. A trifecta for the non-gambling ones amongst you is when you correctly predict the first, second and third in a horse race. So Bush made out big time out of 911, cash wise.

I don’t know who did 911. I’ve never been shown in visions but it wasn’t Moslem trainee Cessna pilots, or Bin Laden in a cave with a mobile phone. He was already dead. He’d been in an American military hospital on a dialysis machine two years earlier with kidney failure.

I don’t know why I’ve never seen the perp’s of 911 in visions, maybe its too dangerous to know.  But I have seen visions of the records that one day will be revealed. The firemen there on the day talked about the demolition explosions in the basement and then explosions floor-by-floor as the buildings came down. Thermite bought them down.

The 911 lie rests on four spastic limbs.

1) Atta didn’t fly the plane.

2) Thermite bought the Twin Towers down.

3) The Pentagon was hit by a missile.

4) Flt 93 was shot down in Pennsylvania by the USAF.

Quadriplegic lies, as I said, didn’t I? These men are so cruel. Stuart Wilde

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >