Fringe Dwellers’ Things…in Light

If a person is having stroke you can test their symptoms by having them try and raise their hands above their heads, if they can’t do that then it’s probably a stroke. Or, they are too sloshed to operate their body properly at this time.

And if you are testing the great teachers and writers of this era, try and see if you can get them to laugh, or be light hearted….if they don’t laugh or they are not lighthearted it means their soul died a while ago without telling anyone, and what you are watching is an echo of their self-importance, which keeps their body and mind pretending it is still here and worthwhile.

If you are fringe dweller, an alternative thinker, you’ll know that seriousness is a disease of self-importance and while life can be scary at times, we have to be brave and laugh our way through, or our soul frays at the edges and it becomes stiff and we lose sight of the light.

Stuart Wilde Leaving Slightly

We have to keep laughing and be child-like, or we are trapped inside a fearful mind that is infested and trapped inside a bigger mind—the collective global mind, and all of that is about countries being chosen and important and special and fighting with people that don’t agree.

Be the light, and be free to roam at peace, in the simplicity of your natural-self, away from the infections of seriousness.

Thinking can be very cold and damp, it creates mold on ya soul. Let go and live and love and laugh and “`Suffer Wall Street bankers to come unto me” as Jesus said. Just kiddin’.

Stuart Wilde ( ©2012 Stuart Wilde All rights reserved.



Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >