The Secrets of the Matrix (Part 2)

Mr. Smith & the Cult of the Chosen Ones

The Wachowski’s brothers’ three Matrix films gave us a new terminology, a new awareness about the powers of control and the program or net they manipulate over us that is called The Matrix. The films are very accurate.

Mr. Smith and the agents in the film are the anal 3-D fascists that seek to subjugate humans to their program, using violence, threat, implants and surveillance.

And the inner world demonic beings (the unseen ghouls) that surround us are the like the Squiddies in the film that are trying to establish the empire of the machine worlds.

The reason the worlds’ controllers need to control is that it acts as a death avoidance mechanism for them, because being important and above the law and tormenting people, allows the controllers to feel special and beyond the fate of common people, which is to die. It’s the cult of the Chosen One—he or she that believes themselves to be selected and special.

Mr. Smith’s need to replicate himself and to abduct other human bodies is partly his self-important ego-trip, and it’s partly a yearning for immortality. Replicating into more humans makes Mr. Smith bigger, safer and more immortal.

Morpheus and his crew are in a Camelot world not in Smith’s 3-D world, and not a part of the ghoul world of the Squiddies. Smith knows Morpheus and his people have something he does not have, they are god-like humans brave and humble. Trinity exhibits god-like qualities, she can defy gravity and run round walls high off the ground, and she brings Neo back to life when he’s shot in room 303, and he later brings her back to life when she’s hit.

Smith wants those god-like powers, he wants the codes of the main frame in Zion so that he might escape to a better life.

The desire for immortality is the key to understanding the fascists and the secret controllers of this world, who of course, are backed up, protected, and linked to the ghouls of the inner demonic worlds, which are close, but unseen by most, their power very real and very strong nonetheless.

The world’s secret controllers, the Chosen Ones and the ghouls are linked, they are the forces of the empire of the Fifth Reich, the hidden Reich. For example, The Federal Reserve is part of the Fifth Reich (The Matrix and money is the next one I’ll write).

The inner world ghouls are being destroyed in vast numbers by the celestial forces, in part to liberate people, and in part, so the darkness in humanity can come out. Once the ghouls have gone, the dark humans will feel more insecure so they will express their fascism ever more openly.

And the drug of feigned immortality and specialness is the key to understanding the Matrix, and eventually escaping from it. Be brave, be humble, be nothing, avoid glamour and status.

Smith and his agents chase the light in Trinity and Neo and the inner world ghouls do the same. Their dimension is cold and dark, you need special glasses to see in there—etheric night vision glasses, so the ghouls are attracted towards the warmth and immortality of the light.

And while we don’t posses a god-like light, we have enough of it to con them forward, where they are fried and destroyed by us in the tens of millions.

And the fate of the Nazis and the cult of the Chosen One is also to move towards the light as Smith does in the film, and they will also be attracted to their destruction. None survive not even one. It’s not an overnight thing, Hitler lasted twelve years but their end is definite—pre-written.

Last time, I wrote about the Matrix and the need for a deep calm, and this time immortality and specialness, and as said, next time the Matrix and money—should be good. Stuart Wilde (

© 2011 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >