The White Arrow Hits Darwin

I saw the rider on the white horse from Revelation fire a number of white arrows, one hit Darwin in Austrlia. I had no idea why that place was chosen then a kind reader sent in this piece below about cattle in Darwin. Its very interesting. —sw

From an SW reader:

A week or so ago, Stuart wrote in his jottings that he saw an arrow land in Darwin, Australia, but that he had no idea why.

Please would you be kind enough to convey to Stuart that Darwin is currently a world focal point for great evil in the context of extreme cruelty to animals.  Millions of cattle are shipped from Darwin to Indonesia each year for so-called halal slaughter.  It is currently the month of Ramadan, at the end of which there will be the annual orgy of cruelty to animals in Islamic countries. There has recently been a TV expose of the sickening torture of the Australian animals in Indonesian abattoirs.  To say that the torture is extreme is no exaggeration. For example, one animal had all his legs and his tail broken, his eyes gouged out and his throat cut thirty-three times as filmed in a Jakarta slaughterhouse.  It took more than half an hour for him to die, in full view of the other terrified cattle who knew that they awaited the same fate.  Within a week, the Australian Government suspended the export of cattle to Indonesia as a knee-jerk reaction to the huge public outcry after the ABC’s Four Corners expose, but they are very weak and self-interested people.  The dollar speaks much more loudly than does decency to the Gillard government, and the “trade” has already been resumed.

I’d like Stuart to know that his vision was accurate, and that the “revenge of the bulls” should not be confined to matadors, toreadors and the like.  Millions of beautiful and gentle cattle (and sheep, goats and deer) are exported live by Australia every year in full knowledge that they will certainly suffer sickening cruelty.  New Zealand banned live exports on moral grounds. Australia has no excuse for continuing its shameful trade in animal suffering”.

© 2011 – Stuart Wilde – All Rights Reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >