The Age of Chaos

The Age of Chaos is banging on the door on a stormy night, demanding to be let in. The Western world is drowning in debt created by irresponsible politicians that spent maniacally to keep themselves in power. And Gaia hits approach, big ones.

The take down has begun, human consumption and the cruel killing of animals is the first target. New York falls to become the domain of vigilantes and gangs—a tumble weed city. California falls. The stock market falls, it all goes.

Now is the time to be lean and mean and invest in yourself— the best investment. God returned to earth to wipe away the filth—no more excuses. If you read these pages you will have worked on your shadow and you will have learned to see, either naturally, or with the ayahuasca. There will be love in your heart.

If you haven’t worked on your shadow, you’ll think people are okay, but they are way more cruel and egocentric than you will ever know.  A terrible fate awaits.

Be humble

Be brave

Get real

Get gold

Get free

Travel light

Be calm

Believe in your power

Be kind like never before

Pray for forgiveness

And wait…I’ll tell you what to do when it all finally unravels, which may be a little while yet.

I’ve been off a long way because I’ve had the stigmata for 19 month, I wrote about it in the 2010-2011 visions article I posted here at the New Year (see archives).

It’s excruciating pain in the hands and feet that goes on 24/7, it is hard to cope with, friends looked after me, but I’m on my way back. A deep calm has emerged that bodes well. Once Kalki came at the end of July I turned the final corner. Victory is in sight, all the evil of this world is about to be taken out and crushed.

It will take three years or so. It is the return of the King of the Mongols that Nostradamus predicted for 1999. He was a bit out on the date but he was right nonetheless.

Trust me, I’m watching from a high altitude in the Aluna, I can see it all below me. I saw a list of casualties, 190 million was the top number, 73 million the next number, 38 million the third number, then some smaller numbers below.

The cruel humans have been given many chances their karma has finally ran out, they had no love or contrition, just ego and self importance.

Gaia wants her beloved planet back, and she doesn’t care for humans, in fact they are the enemy to her. Hard to understand why we think we are so special— stupid really.

Okay bye for now. (sw)

© Stuart Wilde 2011


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >