Recurring Visions—Avian Flu

Some visions I see repeat over and over for months or even years. It is as if the visions are insisting one takes notice. I’ll post some here from time to time, if I feel they are very interesting.

Pandemic & Avian Flu:

I’ve see avian flu as visions of angry chickens, they have appeared twenty times or more, but also I’ve seen visions of a government induced pandemic—I saw a scary man with a small L-shaped container, it looked like an asthma inhaler, he was squirting a mist up peoples’ noses at a train station, some how he was doing it without people realizing what was happening.

The powers that be have openly stated they want the world population down to 500 million from the current 6.7 billion and the avian flu comes from the 1919 Spanish flu virus, which was saved and stored and worked upon at a US government facility. Ding Ding!

I’m not sure as yet how we protect people from a pandemic caused by the authorities. I have an inkling the pandemic is linked to the contrails reported over the US and elsewhere, as they cause upper respiratory infections. That we know for certain.

Today, I saw a grocery box on the floor half full with packs of sugar. There was a chicken pecking at the front of the box, it was partly obscured from my view, then it came out from behind the sugar and I saw its head jerk, it looked like it was sneezing. Strange eh? I saw this vision in four-color it was very clear like a high definition TV clip.

I don’t know how sugar is linked to the virus unless they feed sugar to the virus when they incubate it—don’t know exactly.

This is the time to get fit, if your immune system is good you are very safe. Remember, I’ve said before every meal you eat kills you a little bit—food is toxic, the less you eat the safer you are. Eat healthy things and small amounts of them.

Cup your hands, imagine them full of food that’s the total amount of food you should eat each day—not one gram more. (sw)

© Stuart Wilde 2011


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >