Bizarre Baby Vision

This morning about 3 a.m. I saw a vision of a woman in the window of a three storey house. I was looking up at her from the street. She was very agitated; there was some kind of danger present.

She had a baby in her arms, she held it out of the window so I could see it, then she dropped it. I caught it—phew!! The baby was fine. She wanted the baby to escape even if she couldn’t.

Some visions are fairly impossible to understand but I think this one means that when things really unravel, saving the children will be “Job One”. Saving the children is really what this whole Tolemac–Camelot thing and the fight against the ghouls is all about (sw)

P.S. As I’ve been shown, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of inter-dimensional anomalies in the world—portals to another world. I see them as arches of flowers leading to a Camelot world of peace, chivalry and beauty.

When things come to an end, adults take the children through to safety. They all enter another dimension—one on earth—not a dimension in another plane.

The dimension is essentially an existence on the earth plane in another time era. So the children leave, say, in the year 2018, and seconds later they are forward in time in a ‘chop wood, carry water’ world that is in the year 2078, say—sixty years forward.

Interesting eh~? But it’s a little hard to understand. There may be millions of people living and evolving on earth that we can’t see, as they are ahead of us in time. Fries ya brain. (sw)

© Stuart Wilde 2011


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >