Year End Review: Part One

Year End Review: Part One (sw)

2010 has been a challenge but they say the darkest hour is before dawn and towards the end of the year I saw many visions of the light breaking through the demonic bands of control that surrounds us on earth; the new light bodes well. (see Overview below).

The Restoration of our humanity is upon us, in simple terms as I watch it in the Aluna spirit world dimensions, I would describe the Restoration as the return of the God force to earth, and the re-establishment of proper principals, and as the light goes out and wins more and more territory ordinary people will feel less oppressed and more energetic, which in turn will create more light. Liberation is not granted freely you have to fight for your soul and your freedom.

Thousands of years ago this planet was lost to the ghouls from the inner worlds, and in recent years with television and the manipulation the media exercises over the global mind set, humans have been led by the nose to dysfunction and perdition, and that which is corrupt and obscene has been made normal and glamorous, and the criminals in high places have been eulogized, elevated and protected. But in the end the cult of elitism and the bogus arrogance of the Chosen One will take a golden stake in the heart, Frankenstein’s monster falls from a great height for the Restoration includes forces that are here to break the teeth of liars and restore a spiritual normality.

The great light has finally come, but the God force didn’t get a free ride, it took ten years as far as I know, as it had to fight its way in here. With the light comes love and all the ancient wisdoms and the teaching of Jesus and Buddha and the power of the saints, and with it comes the reappearance of the Camelots and a return to chivalry and grace.

The single most prevalent visions I have had this year (100+) are about the Returned Jesus, that god-like being is inside a vast celestial light that we call the Solar Logos. It is that Logos that has landed. The visions are difficult to understand as I can’t see if the Returned Jesus is one person with god-like powers, or a group of people that are similarly blessed, or a body of light that rekindles the Christ Consciousness in millions of people. My guess is that it’s all three, but it is very secretive as the light of Christ is in great danger all of the time down here in this earth-hell controlled by the ghouls. It could easily get bumped out if anything went wrong and the ghouls fought back and attacked the defenses that the light has constructed.

The light is the Renewal I’ve written about because it will grant people respite to heal and garner their strength once more. It will bring safety as your thoughts will not be cluttered by mind wipes from adverse forces, and so gradually the age of confusion ends and you will know what to do and where to go.

The central theme of 2011 will be the gradual dissemination of the new light and the reaction the dark will have to its territory being usurped. Light fries the dark and people in high places will feel threatened, they will feel they are losing control and that is exactly what will be happening in an unseen world.

But as the system crumbles prices rise and unemployment becomes endemic, so this is a time to stay in work if you have a job and save money and sell stuff because you won’t be able to rely on the world to remain the same. Hundred of thousands of businesses will close and Main Street will become a tumble weed desert of empty buildings and boarded up shops. This process may take 1-3 years.

2011 is the beginning of the great collapse. You can see the signs in Europe as country after country is swamped by its debts and as the cost of those mistakes and the profiteering that went on is laid at the door of ordinary people as higher taxes and rising gas and commodities; the economies will buckle even further.

Wall Street is powering up and up just as it did before the crash of 1929. It’s fueled by the Federal Reserve creating trillions of new dollars and handing it to the insolvent banks and corporations at zero percent interest; all the big players in the casino get free chips whenever they look like they are running out. QE, quantitative easing as it is called will only fuel the crash and bring it on sooner. So people have to be defensive and make sure they have their pension and life’s savings out of the system.

Real estate has already crashed in the US and Europe as I said it would back in 2005-2006. It will never recover as there are not enough high paying jobs to fuel the market’s recovery.

You have to imagine a long winter is coming, so make good your situation, build savings and work on your physical fitness and strength. My mates and I built a permaculture garden with 500 organic plant foods, and I put away six months of food in special storage bins, global food prices are rocketing and delivery systems may falter; the streets may become unstable as people protest that their wellbeing, jobs and security have been robbed from them.

All my predictions years ago about the precious metals have come true. If you can buy gold and silver coins, even a few, do so when the price dips, they will continue to go up long term.

The arrival of the light brings collapse to the Matrix because the light is love and the Matrix is a cold dollop of control, elitism, violence and hatred. But the cruel systems over us, won’t go down quietly; it’s best now to leave the cities for more remote places.

You have to side with the light and trust in its love, or you act out your dark side and face defeat in the coming years. (sw)

P.S. In the second part of my annual review I’ll jot down some of the predictions that have come good and those that have not and those that will come about later.


Here is an overview for those that are not familiar with my work:

The Matrix of control is the world’s political-military grip of tick-tock and the status quo that is becoming ever more bureaucratic and fascist as it feels ever more threatened. They waffle on about terrorists and every so often they create a phony attack for the media’s benefit, 7/7 in London, the shoe bomber, the Christmas bomber, the car bomb in Stockholm that people fifty yards away didn’t hear, on and on. But in the end it’s all fake and what they really feel is the threat of the light emanating from the inner worlds that seeks to expose their lies and darkness. I’ve said before “Karma is just a filing system” the light’s function is to carry the Fat Controllers back to the hell from whence they incarnated here in the first place.

The status quo is supported and encouraged by an unseen inner world of trillions of ghouls and their demonic forces, who have had many thousands of years as the supreme controllers of this evolution on earth. They corrupted information and lies became truths. But millions upon billions of those ghouls have been killed in recent years and more perish every day, they are losing their grip and as that unseen support falters the status quo will feel more edgy without ever knowing why, they will become paranoiac. That is why surveillance and millions of silly rules and fascist sentiments have increased so much in the last years; it’s the system that’s dying.

The ghouls have had a powerful advantage over goodness as they can fire thoughts into a human mind and have that individual think that they are his or her own thoughts. They can craftily incubate and support hundreds of thousands of criminals and tyrants, and they can drive the fascist politicians in the direction they want. And the two combined forces, the inner ghouls aligned to the evil humans here in 3D, exercise a fearful grip over humanity and life on earth.

But…the light is more powerful and that is why I have predicted the death of the demonic and the fall of tyrants.


Shine a lighty,

…cause a frighty”.

Things to consider:

*Resolve all interpersonal conflicts

*Remove any antagonisms from your mind

*Expand your unconditional love

*Forgive everyone

*Improve your performance keep things Zen and clean

*Repay your rip-offs and blow love to the people you have hurt and/or make good

*Do the forgiveness prayer (see below)

*Strengthen yourself physically

*Mediate and stay calm and go out in nature everyday

*Pray to the animals in the Aluna worlds to come and protect you

*Align to people that are warm and beautiful in their spirits

*Make contact with old friends, stay connected locally

*Keep away from evil and degradation

*Stay warm in your heart even if things are adverse

*Believe in the light’s New Coming

The 30 day forgiveness prayer is done on your knees every day at the same time. You kneel with your forehead on the ground and you go through all your dark stuff item by item and beg forgiveness. (sw)

© Stuart Wilde 2011


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >