Debt & the Journey

A small amount of debt month-by-month is fine but huge loans on houses say, can go terribly wrong if conditions change. Out-of-control debt is a manifestation of the ego’s greed, or its need to live at a certain level, so it’s a measure of self-importance. A mate of mine who was out of work moved into a horse box in a field and lived rent free. I admired him as he adjusted to new conditions, like ‘no-money’ conditions. It takes humility to move into an unheated horse box in a damp English field.

Global debt is a holocaust waiting to happen.

Greece lied for ten years about their accounts falsifying their books essentially defrauding banks that lent them money, and their Eurozone partners.

Then the ‘souvlaki hit the fan’ and short-term interest rates to Greece jumped almost overnight to a prohibitive 23%, everyone else in the Eurozone pays 3%. Lenders wanted big returns to lend money to big liars. Greek creditworthiness is lower than that of both Lebanon and Guatemala.

The Greeks are very sweet and their country is very pretty but the Greek crisis is a spiritual crisis, one of importance as they paid themselves fancy benefits and pensions and they embarked on billions in military spending and infrastructure projects that they couldn’t pay for. Now they want the people in the Eurozone that they defrauded to give them 110 billion to escape total breakdown.

Portugal is in trouble and so is Spain where unemployment is 20% and the UK has an even higher debt ratio than Greece. People in the UK on welfare with kids can get between £5000-£8000 a month tax free in housing benefits and cash allowances, it’s handouts gone mad.

Average wages in the UK is £531.00 a week then tax is taken from that, most workers take home between £1300-£1500 a month after tax, so the system is ludicrous. It feeds the addiction of entitlement and it encourages welfare tourists to the UK people that come from other poorer countries in the EU to sign up for the cushy life on the British glucose drip. The insanity has to crack in the end as Government has to borrow money to make these mega-handouts, it now owes almost one thousand billions pounds.*

Greek wages will gradually be cut 30%, it will hurt the workers terribly because Greek prices are already very high, but even such a cut will only be a small blip on their total debt screen. Greece can’t really escape total collapse. They aren’t going to do ‘horsebox’ willingly, but it may be forced upon them. When people’s importance is assailed they go a bit nuts. I feel very sorry for the Greek people but the wages of importance lead to collapse and extreme poverty.

I did say in one of my books a while ago to dump Greek real estate, because Greece is always liable to an attack by Turkey, and now with the debt crisis owing stuff like holiday homes in Greece might be a bit of a liability.

Contagion in financial markets is fancy word for the ‘knock on’ effect, as more and more global lenders get scared as they wake up to what dodgy loans they have placed on their books; real estate, corporations, Governments, no one is going to pay in the end, interest rates will rocket. There is not enough money in the world to bail everyone out. It’s the Grand Lies coming home to roost.

For years I’ve been saying get real, go to cash, live a spiritual, humble easy-to-pay-for lifestyle, buy gold, and get hold of your pension money ASAP if you can, as it will become worthless in a couple of years from now as stock markets tumble.

Greece is the tip of a massive global mountain of denial, swelled egos, and feigned importance; smoke and mirrors accounting, government fraud and criminality that will come down like a house of cards over the next year or two.

When you embark on a spiritual journey you may be elated by a new found vigor, but part of the journey is the process of collapsing you illusions and facing your ego and its half-truths and lies. Becoming ever more real is a spiritual exercise to save your soul, and countries are collectives in a national group-soul, so you can see how the process will unfold.

It’s a spiritual seminar for people to attend. There will be a lot of pain but people will get real and they will return to the greater safety of their families and embrace old values of humility, honesty, hard work, and self-worth based on what is true and real. So the crisis will have eventual benefits. (sw)

* The UK can’t default on its Government debts as it is not in the Euro, so the UK Gov’ can print as many pounds out of thin air as it needs to. Of course, the value of the pound will tank, but they only have to look honest, they don’t actually have to be honest.

Here’s a funny snippet from the BBC correspondent in Greece.

Malcolm Brabant BBC News, Athens

On Planet Greece, some civil servants get a bonus for turning up to work on time. Foresters get a bonus for working outdoors. At least they show up.

There are civil servants called ghost workers because they never go into the office, they head to a second job and still claim a state salary. They can’t get sacked, because a civil service post is for life. Unless the incumbent decides to retire in his or her forties, with a pension.

And the government can continue paying for the afterlife.

Unmarried and divorced daughters of civil servants are entitled to collect their dead parents pensions. Another lucrative sinecure is to belong to a state committee. The government has no idea how many there are.

It has been estimated that they have 10,000 employees and cost nearly £200m a year, and that includes the committee to manage a lake that dried up 80 years ago.

© Stuart Wilde 2010


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >