Bullfighters (bad news week)

Enrique Ponce one of the bull fighters we have seen go down in the Aluna has just been injured by a bull in training and he’s off work for 25 days, he’s returning to Spain for a while according to the Mexican press where Ponce has been fighting recently.

It’s all part of the tussle to irrevocably destroy bullfighting and bring it down. We fight the matadors in the Aluna and degrade them. We don’t really want anyone to die we just want them to see how cruel it is, and if it gets as painful for them as it does the bulls and the cows that lose their children then things will change. Many matadors have been hit recently… it’s been a record year for the bulls!

In the Aluna we taught the bulls to ignore the cape and go for the legs and that instruction has worked itself into the soul of the bulls here in 3-D, so they know the game now and they are getting better at it all the time. Ole! (sw)

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Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >