Bond of Love

There were about seventy of us in the Redeemer’s Club, we formed a bond of love gradually over a period of a couple of years. It wasn’t a conscious thing it evolved gradually. It was an out-cropping of people new comprehension of tenderness and respect and so lines of energy were created between us, it was Platonic, very few people hitched up romantically almost none in fact. Through the bond that was formed people could see what the warmth of the Camelot doorways felt like, so it helped me a lot.

….Eternal Love

Anyone can join the bond of the Scattered Camelot as long as they have no rancor and as long as they have no personal agenda. You don’t have to be perfect just processed. And the important thing is you mustn’t want anything then eventually all will be granted to you.

A few of those that sought importance and power got angry and they attacked me because I was not able to deliver the instant gratification and elevation they insisted on.

But as their darkness closed in on them they did not see the danger involved and they degraded getting worse and worse falling victim to the ghouls. Then we did kindly mount rescue missions for some of our attackers and we did get some of them back from their bewitchments and that was successful some of the time and at other times it was an utter failure. Many toppled over.

The Bond of Love held strong because it is soft and it trusts itself and also it is selfless so it is of no threat to anyone. It keeps you safe. Love protects you, all adversity falls over if you hold steady.

Make a bond of love with the tribe around you. Build strength. We need strong tribes to process karma and to do well in the coming years. There is safety in numbers.

If you make the bond of love you will begin to feel the bliss of the doorway I speak of. I have shown it to so many people in the last year or so you can even feel the love hit your hands if you hold them up palm facing forward. It is most distinct but you have to do it right. (SW)


The Redeemer’s Club package is an extraordinary body of work with audio tapes and 1.65 million words in it. People are in awe of it.

The information is not available in SW’s books or articles.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >