15 Million Page Views Amazing

15 Million Page Views Amazing


A visit to the site is one person clicking on www.stuartwilde.com for one time, then page views counts how many pages get read. We had 15 million page views this month in February in 28 days, that is over half a million a day.

Ten month ago we used to get 400,000 page views in a month, so it’s an increase of 3700%. It’s you guys helping, telling others, clicking the stuff to your social pages. Carry on please, very kind.

We don’t advertise the site because we don’t charge for the site or carry ads, so we have no budget for it. So I am very grateful for your endlessly kindness, love and support.

It very moving and then one can’t gloat too much as the sniveler and cowards crash and burn.

The forces have come, I don’t direct them unfortunately (irritating eh?), but they show me. I saw an entire apartment building explode in seconds, it was in America but I didn’t see where it was. So interesting.

The computers are going to blow up in people’s faces, but I’m not sure what it means or how it’s done, etheric poison of some kind.

I try my best to heal cancer in people with my hands but the Beings deliver it, by stripping people of their ghoul protection. I found that a bit scary but I’m not a karma vigilante, I’m just a child in these higher technologies.

It’s all comes good at last. Victory to the Shining Ones. Every move you make on our behalf at this site is a nail in the coffin of the global evil. Thank you, Thank you.  Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >