The Forces of Retribution

I know it may sound dippy when I say I’ve seen the Forces of Retribution arrive, but two days ago I saw the most extraordinary light of a celestial dawn, the brightest I’ve seen in ten years.

The Beings have the power of spontaneous combustion, which is going global right now, 200 reports of oil rigs and houses exploding in the last two months. And the forces can make the ground go to slurry, it’s a Morph phenomena−−buildings sink into the soft ground and a sinkhole appears. Right now they go down 30 feet or so but eventually it will go down miles, entire cities will disappear, it’s how Gaia refreshes the earth.

But it is very hard to know as yet if any of the incidents are from natural causes or not. Here are a few examples, click to read the stories. :

India explosion freight loader
10,000 tons of cooking oil exploded in China
Explosion at airport
Indiana House explodes

And the headquarters of the Mexican oil company, Petroleos Mexicanos exploded spontaneously. They don’t know what caused it, they said it might have been an electrical fault in a gas-filled basement, why would an office have a gas filled basement?

Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong told a news conference on Thursday, “We have up to now, 25 people dead — 17 women and eight men.” The interior minister added that 101 people were injured.

It’s all so mysterious, and I’ve seen 200 visions of the forces hitting individual people, some nights I see 8-10 of them, very rarely do I recognize anyone.

I’m sure the arrival of the celestial Dawn will sweep over the world gradually, but we have to trust and be patient, for the first time in years I’m very confident. The time that was predicted has arrived.

The liars will fall, hit by an unseen force, and the tens of millions of devil humans that have brought so much pain, degradation and misery to other humans, will be destroyed. Many fall to demonic possession and insanity.* (see below) Generally they can feel their oncoming demise as an inkling even now, as the satanic flows over them to capture them, but they don’t know enough about metaphysics to label it properly. Psychiatrists will say it’s psychosis but that’s not accurate, there are no pills to cure possession. It’s a terrifying disease, I’ve worked on 91 cases.

None get away, their positions are known and calibrated in the etheric field of the earth, which acts as a vast memory, storage disc. I’ve seen that explained in visions. They give off a pulse that is easily identifiable. Nothing is ever lost, there is a final record of everyone’s life and what they did and so that is how it all works in perfect symmetry.

The Forces are like accountants, they balance equations, and part of that rebalancing is redemption and absolution. For that you need humility and an act of contrition. Evil people are not humble, so that side of the equation is denied to them.

It has taken eleven years to reach the “End of the Beginning”, and now we will see the “Beginning of the End.” How many years it will take the Forces of Retribution to save the planet has not been shown.

*PS. A mystery disease has hit people in America, they act possessed and become catatonic and their hands and arms move without volition, which is a symptom of possession, as the ghouls can drive your fingers and arms, or make your legs shake. The doctors don’t know what to do. I mention this in case you think it’s all pie in the sky, it’s not, it’s down on earth now, there will be an epidemic of these types of demonic afflictions.

© Stuart Wilde 2013 –


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >