Fighting off the Dark Neighbours

One of our readers explained how she fought against the black attention of her dark neighbours. I thought what she saw was very interesting, as she made a stand against forces that were making her feel unwell.

Letter from a Reader

“I had been ill for a week unable to do anything other than drift in and out of consciousness, I couldn’t eat, I had only managed one avocado and a peach in four days…my heart had been going crazy the entire time….racing, thumping…missing beats and I felt very faint.

So….last night and today when the neighbours were infringing on all in the neighbourhood, I went quietly {unobserved} into a room of our home which faces them and began to chirp and spit and fire energy back at them, intuition took over and I found myself making intricate hand movements etc that I had no idea I knew and I could feel loops of golden resonance firing out towards the people and kind of lassoing them up . While I was doing this, they completely stopped their dark infringing behaviour….” Ms C.G NZ

SW: Often, as people become more pure and their inner sentiments become very genuine and natural, they acquire a golden resonance and abilities they didn’t know they had. This resonance is very powerful indeed, it seems to know what it is doing and it can combat the dark to protect you.

The bird chirps, she mentions here are another form of defense that people use and they often happen spontaneously. Birds have a very pure resonance. If you listen to them you can feel how they ward off darkness and pour pure codes into the holographic field. (See below for the Avalon Protection mp3, it is 24 minutes long and contains the bird song resonances).

It was very cool that the lady here was able to see how these technologies work.

© Stuart Wilde 2013 –


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >