On Healing an Irregular Heartbeat

On Healing an Irregular Heartbeat
Image: drivethenation.com

A lady with an irregular heartbeat wrote to say she’s cured of her troubles.

An irregular heartbeat often comes from the ghouls firing anxiety at you. Their beam comes up from a trajectory that is below your waist on a diagonal that is coming up at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizontal. Essentially imagine it coming up through the floor towards you.

It hits you just under your ribs on that same side, close to the liver. The anxiety makes your heart go faster or it takes to an irregular beat. Stuart Wilde

Dear Stuart and all Admin, Just finally being able to email to say thank you for the LV event…and that recently it is so interesting to find the things that have started to heal…one is an irregular heartbeat…to a regular one…and a small skin affliction that has been around for close to 12 years…dissolving…thank you to Stuart and all involved….with all health to you in return…and cheerful days…Warmly…Ms. J.W Colorado, USA

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >