Karma and Pure Information

“Rest, the Answers Will Come”

Billions of people live and die in ignorance. Pure information is a form of good karma. It brings you good fortune, and it expels confusion. The best information is “inner knowing’ as that is a powerful tool for your understanding and growth. We say the ESP of inner knowing is a form of grace.

Grace is a celestial light and that light is full of mathematics and geometry, those formulas are decoded by your mind as valuable information, accurate information. The darker a person is, the more the incoming codes are bent and corrupted and the more they are led astray, blinded by the warping effect of the dark forces. So their inner knowing becomes an inner ignorance.

Bad karma is when the codes coming into a person are so bent out of symmetry and twisted upside down, that the fractal shape of the person’s own geometry (energy) is altered, and they succumb to misfortune or death.

We are in a self-righting mechanism, karma is the garbage truck that picks up the black bin bags.

The more calm and pure you become, the more you’ll feel the light of grace and be sustained and uplifted by it.

Here’s what I wrote in ‘Grace Gaia & the End of Days’. Stuart Wilde

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.

Grace Hope and Fortune: The divine wind of grace offers you hope and good fortune it can cure everything. It can grant you an invisible protection, a miracle healing; it can offer you visions through what I call ‘pure knowledge’, which are downloaded information that comes to you directly as visions, extrasensory perception and dreams. Grace can carry you to dimensions and places of learning far beyond anything discovered by man before. Grace can grant you clemency for your darkness and liberate you. It is a great gift, the Sacred Healer, but it is one that is poorly understood. In this book I seek to redress that and give you the keys to levels of metaphysical comprehension few humans ever reach.

To a Christian grace is good fortune, ‘it was an amazing grace that saved a wretch like me’ as it says in the famous song. To a Hindu it is good karma, enjoyed as beneficial events that flow to a pure soul. A Moslem might see it as the approval of Allah. What I discovered is that grace is an energy, a technology from other dimensions that you can learn to harness and develop, and you can even watch it moving and flowing right here in 3-D. I don’t mean this in an airy-fairy ‘living in the light’ New Age way. It is a real technology, a methodology that is described in digital-fractal codes that arm you with a new power, a new discipline, a healing and a protection that you can learn and acquire.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >