The Existence of Two New Chakras, the 8th & 9th

A New Teaching

Once on an ayahuasca journey in Ecuador, I was shown two extra chakras above the crown chakra, the 8th and 9th, I saw them several times. They looked very beautiful and technical. I didn’t know if anyone knew about them, then years later I read a book called “Shaman, Healer, Sage” by Alberto Villoldo in which he writes about them.

The first extra chakra is about six inches above the head, the shamans named it the “wiracocha”, or the source of the sacred. It looks like a silver ball, when activated Villoldo says, “It is like a radiant sun inside a luminous energy field.”

The Upper Chakras and the 8th and 9th Chakra

Above that at about three feet over the head is another, the 9th chakra, it looks to me like a golden ball, it has not been given a name as far as I know, so we’ll call it the “upper-wiracocha”.

The author says in his book, that the 8th chakra, the lower one of the two, is associated with archetypal things, the tribal heritage, he says, “It links one into the teaching of ancient shamans that lived before us”.

The 9th chakra, the upper-wiracocha is set in an eternity beyond space and time. Villoldo says it resides at the heart of the Universe, beyond the soul, it is the self that has never been born that will never die.

Interestingly Villoldo says the 9th is the ability to keep a secret even from one’s self. It’s place is in the as yet unpopulated, unrealized void. I’ve been in that void so I know what the author means by that.

Recently, I started seeing visions about the two wiracocha chakras so I tried to activate them blowing love at them and sending bird chirps at them, you may have heard me do the chirps on my Avalon protection prayer. As you connect to the chakras you will feel yourself elongate to about double your normal height.

I was teaching a mediation group of about 50 people recently and I asked them to concentrate on the two upper chakras to see if they could reach them, some people got it right away, others couldn’t feel them.

Above the 9th in the system over my head I’ve seen a crescent moon, we believe that to be a fractal antenna for receiving and emitting information. I have also seen that crescent close to my head like the one depicted in paintings of Shiva.

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde. — All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >