Absolution & The Second Chance


Most of our serious illnesses come from the dark, the ghouls push to make you unwell, and then smaller aches and pains are just balance and imbalance day-to-day.

I’ve been taught in the inner worlds over the last 60 days that the healing of the purple light is a form of absolution, everyone is to be offered a second chance, if they agree to take it. It’s the restoration that was promised long ago.

When I bump the ghouls out of a person’s body with the bird chirps and prayer, the healing is instant. Then sometimes the person is used to the pain or disease, and they linger in it out of habit for a few days until they get well.

I’ve seen over 300 visions of Jesus, his hands and two of Padre Pio, one long video clip of St. Francis and his life and a dozen visions of Mary. Each vision showed me something, it’s the grace of God and the healing wave, which is a strobe-like pulse. Sometimes I see it out of the corner of my eye as I walk along. It’s very strong.  This is what the God light looks like;

It doesn’t matter what you have done or where you have arrived in this life, the absolution is granted and guaranteed. It’s best to make an act of contrition to be truly sorry of any pain you have caused, it helps the absolution come upon you.

The process looks miraculous but it’s just a rearrangement of the fractal codes inside you. All the equations are balanced and you are free at last – free to go back home, free to go to a new life without pain or fear – free to enter into a spiritual dimension of great potential and beauty.

I’ve had the stigmata pain of the nails in my hands and feet for 2½ years and then the light came and with that came the absolution of the light. It’s for everyone. It’s love that is fired with a special intensity.

Thank You. Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)
©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved





Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >