Spiritual Healing—Your Second Chance

I’ve learned a lot about spiritual healing, it’s a radiant blue and purple light that goes beyond disease and emotions, and people’s karma. It’s bigger than karma because it’s a form of forgiveness.

Bolts of the Celestial Light


It is as if the digital-fractal hard drive of your soul is suddenly re-set, no matter what has gone before. Like as if, your debts and credit cards are suddenly wiped to zero.

Over the years when I saw the light and the celestial beings, I prayed for a second chance for all of us humans.  I was shown three things:



1) You have to make an act of contrition and be genuinely sorry for your sins and previous darkness. You have to look at all that darkness and be fully aware of your part in it. You have to own it not deny it.

2) You have to be open to receive the light and to embrace a new softer future.

3) You have to replace any current feelings of spite, hatred, anger, self-importance, ego-trips and emotional upsets and dishonesty with love—breath love at the humans each and every day.

If you embrace these ideas the second chance will be granted. Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)
©2012 Stuart Wilde.  All rights reserved


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >