Own Your Own Mind

The contents of your mind is very important, it acts as an inventory of your karma and spiritual evolution. It is vital to own your mind and not allow what you read or see in the mainstream media to affect your thinking.

Angels of Creation

History shows how entire nations have been pulled into a living hell by the lies of the state-owned propaganda machine.

I read an interesting article that said that the viewers of CNN have fallen by 50% in recent times, and that the main American news channels CBS, NBC and ABC have lost nearly 40% of their viewers. The alternative media has become influential as more and more people wake up to the fact they are being indoctrinated by the mainstream media into a docile acceptance of state-owned lies.

The state is cruel and violent, if you accept their religion—their take on things, your karma goes as rotten as theirs.

Never believe a word they say, it’s dangerous, see Japan Scam.


All of today’s fascist leaders and their governments will collapse, because the inner world ghouls are dying and so the leaders’ power-base is being eroded. But before they go, they will suck their countries into economic collapse, war and a holocaust of evil.

It is vital for you to keep you mind and your feelings clear of that and detach. Never mind about justice and injustice you can’t fix it, the time of the fascist is here, it’s the rise of the global shadow that I predicted in my books in the 1990s. (see below)

All we can do is embrace a different perspective, one that is kind and spiritual and free. Protect that perspective and you protect your karma. In this way you will escape the fate of the nations. Stuart Wilde

P.S. Why fascism has to rise up is that the darkness of the Devil and the hell worlds is hidden in a billion people or more, arrogance, supremacy, cruelty, violence, all that will come out and humans will goose step off to their destruction, it is inevitable. It has to come out to be destroyed.

My ol’ teacher predicted the return of Hitler thirty-five years ago, I’ll write about what he said later. SW

Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)
©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved



Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >