Paranormal Transdimensional Perspective

It’s hard to write about something that exists in another world that 99% of people have never seen, that’s why I tell ’em “Go to the Ayahuasca and stop pissin’ about. Never mind the slow route try the fast route.”

Using this Margritte painting below I was hoping to show how there is a fold or overlap in 3-D that one can walk behind, it’s like a fold in a blanket. It is actually a reality made of cubes that one walks round, but that is not immediately obvious.

And here below is a video of an earth bound spirit in a Japanese mine shaft. I think its real … it shows his spirit form going round a fold in reality and dematerializing through a rock wall…good eh? Very interesting… teaches ya stuff….think wide all the time. Try not infest your mind with prissy little things that mean nothing. Click to the open road…

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Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >