Missing Visions Update

At the end of 2011 I had a few visions that were on the “missing list”.

They had gone quiet and they have not occurred as yet. I hate it when that happens, bloody irritating. The system is not perfect by any means.

1) The President’s Plane

I saw Air Force One, Obama’s plane in the water five times in early 2011, on one occasion I was inside the plane and I could see water through the windows. I also saw a vision of mechanics tinkering with the engines I felt the plane had been “got at”. Some of the other visionaries have also seen the plane go down, maybe in 2012, who knows? And I don’t know if Obama is on the plane when it goes in or not.

2) The San Francisco Earthquake

I saw this a lot last year but I couldn’t nail the date. I am still waiting. Then just when I thought it had gone away, I saw the bloody earthquake one more time; that was on Jan 5th 2012. Then after that I saw twenty earthquake visions in three days! Crazy eh?

I’m happy to be wrong on this one as it would cause a lot of loss of life and devastation.

3) The End of Bullfighting

This prediction is in the process of happening not just because of the number of matadors getting hurt but the collapse of the Spanish economy is leaving the stadiums half empty.

4) The Collapse of the Euro

The Euro has been falling from 1.48 to the dollar just four months ago, down to 1.30 in early Jan 2012, then the euro turned and went the other way down to 1.28 to the dollar, so this vision is coming true gradually. I’ve see it fall by 50% from here.

5) 911.

911 is very mysterious and very well hidden in the Aluna but every so often I get a snippet, one vision was of a filing cabinet with the 911 evidence. I’ve also seen Donald Bumsfelt three times in the last few days, he looks nervous.

If the truth of 911 comes out, or let’s say “when” the truth comes out, it will start a civil upheaval in America and across many places on the globe.

6) Silver.

I thought silver would go down to $25.00, it’s been as low as $27.72 down from $34.50 a couple of months ago. It may go all the way down to $25, but one day it will rise beyond $50. Gold is holding up ok at “1620 as of today’s date.

7) Meteor

I see the incoming meteor every few months but no news yet.

Eleven years ago I was shown a series of visions about how the Beings can fly a meteor in from outer space that is placed in a protective donut-shaped anomaly, so it hits the earth in one piece without burning up in the atmosphere. It was very interesting but I have no idea if that is true or not.

8) Jesus Visions

I see these a lot, sometimes a couple of weeks pass with nothing, then I’ll see Jesus three times in three days. He is very well hidden. Frustratingly, I cannot work out what he’s doing but he’s not twiddling his fingers, there is stuff happening but it is hidden from me. Jesus is a full-on demon fighter in the Aluna words, very few people know that.

9) France

The nuclear hit/accident I saw in France never happened. I’m lost on this one “ooo la la”.

10) The Collapse of UniCredit Bank in Italy

The prediction I made six months ago of this Italian bank closing is on the verge of happening, the bank is on its last leg, it’s trying to borrow billions to stay afloat—won’t work in the end, Ciao Bambino.

11) The Food Crisis

Have not seen these visions of food lines for a while, but if there are problems in the Middle East, an oil crisis will cause food distribution problems. Store six months of food if you are able to.

12) Africa

I saw a vision of the map of Africa all covered in blood.

Tribal warfare is raging in the Sudan and in other places; Nigeria especially has terrible ethnic cleansing and religious strife. My vision of Africa will sadly definitely happen, over time. Poor Africa, I feel sad for her.

Bye for now. Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)

©2012 Stuart Wilde All rights reserved


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >