The Mystery of Ayahuasca

{Five new Aya’ groups in Ecuador two in August 2009 and three groups in November-see end of article for click link}

Ayahuasca is the sacred drink made from the Amazonian vine Banis’ Caapi mixed with the viridis leaf, a shrub from the coffee family known by the Indians as the chacruna. William Burroughs wrote about it in his Yage letters.

Modern humans can’t “see” well into the other worlds for their supply of DMT (dymethaltryptamine– the sprit molecule) is depleted and so they don’t believe those worlds are there. And so they are vulnerable for it is the DMT component that drives visions and dreams in the pinal gland without it you are up a blind alley all the way.

It is thought the stress of modern living and people’s oily animal diets, as well as pot and alcohol abuse that tend to wreck the initial supply of DMT that each person has naturally at birth. Aya’ acts as a nutritional supplement replacing that lost storehouse of DMT in the brain. That is why Ayahuasca gives you a priceless access to “pure information.”

I say in my books it is “pure information” because it is not tainted by another source like information coming from me, or another teacher, or a writer, a mystic etc; information that may be tainted by a person’s agenda no matter how well meaning that person is.

Pure information is tailored–made just for you. It usually comes to you in the form of downloads from another world, another dimension. It is information personal to you and usually secret unless you care to share it with others.

How the sacred plants knows what you need and all the details of your life is a mystery we will never solve. It is beyond extraordinary, but thousands of people that have taken Ayahuasca report how the visions they see from the vine seem to know everything about them and the scared medicine seems to have their progress at heart showing each what is needed next; and of course the main function of the vine is to repair the body as well as the wounded human soul.

Many are cured of stubborn ailments that have been around for donkey’s years.

These are the closing years of our humanity and so those of you that are coming will have to decide soon and those of you that did not join the Redeemer’s Club will have to learn to see in order to make progress on your own if you are not already doing so.

But to help those of you that are struggling I have planned five more Ayahuasca groups in Ecuador in 2009 (two groups in August and three in November).

And we will reserve twenty-four places for “SW A” list people that are NOT members of the Redeemer’s Club.

The rest of the places will be for members of the public that respond to the prom. It is very important that new people are now allowed to come now as many really need this experience to break out of the restriction they find themselves in.

Sincerely, Stuart Wilde


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >