The Swivelers

The Swivelers are new breed we have just begun to see.

They are people that are normal and warm and kind, and overnight they turn on a dime and become cruel, evil and cold. They are a shock to your system. You can’t believe how they flip and how deeply rotten they have become.

Recently, I have seen three of my dearest female friends each of which had a grace and majesty, and suddenly they are thieving money and acting with contempt. I so deeply loved and adored and respected those ladies, and suddenly they swiveled and became unbelievably cruel and nasty. It is most upsetting.


The light brings out the dark and that is the process that is happening globally right now. So the swivel will become an epidemic and we’ll see it more and more. Maybe you have already seen it?

There is an energy in the Aluna mirror-worlds that is lime green, it is the power of black magic, and it is linked to self-importance and jealousy. If a person that is very pure gets hit by the lime green they may feel a bit despondent for few hours but it passes.

But if person has an unprocessed shadow, or if they suffer from sexual importance, like they are stuck up about it, or if they are depraved, or if there have unresolved inner conflicts, the lime green carries them away to a hellish state.

They lose their sense of feelings for humanity, and then cruelty becomes natural, even pleasing to them. It is their vengeance against humans close to them for real or a feigned hurt in the last past. You become the victim of their hate, even though you are innocent of any harm to them in this era.

In men, the lime green usually attaches to those that are rabid controllers that exhibit neo-Nazi tendencies, or to the abusers of women.

© Stuart Wilde 2009 –


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >