UFO Update

To tell the UFO update I have to back track to 2001 and pick up the story from there.

In August 2001, I got into a fight with a group of UFOs over a small Spanish town in the north called Tudella. The Morph phenomena lit up the UFOs in the sky so I could see them easily. Some were brown blobs and others looked like flying oil barrels and then there were five or six that were the classic saucer shape. At that time, I had been given two etheric wrist bangles about four inches wide. They came out of the Morph in some way I will never know. They shone with a celestial light and I found that if I dropped my hands to my side they went through a double beat, like a silent clunk, clunk, and they loaded.

Then if I flicked my wrist, the bangle would fly off toward the UFOs in a curved trajectory, across the sky as if guided. It looked like a flying triangle while in motion. Now I know it might sound nuts but trust me, I would never tell you any fibs.

UFOs are etheric beings that can shape-shift—they are not solid. When the silver bangle hit them they shuddered and fell to a lower trajectory. There they wobbled like Jell-O on a plate and then they fell to an even lower altitude.   Only the bangle on my left hand moved; the other one stayed stationary all the time. The bangles never missed. After a few UFOs had fallen from the sky, they figured out what was happening and they fled at high speed only to return a week later gang-handed over a French town near Cannes, called La Napoule.

There were a hundred or more in the battle over La Napoule. The skirmish lasted eight hours. The bangle went off fifty times at least, but there were too many in the sky to get them all, and the brown-blob UFOs fly very much faster than the saucer-shaped ones. The UFOs can fire a pulse that really hurts and so when you are in open ground, bangle or not, you have to be bloody careful. After several hours I was hungry so I called out to them (they can hear your mind) something like, “Rule 33B, no fighting in the lunch hour.” I then withdrew to a charming little café for a bite to eat. UFOs are completely stupid, anal. Rule 33B would have thrown them into utter confusion. After lunch the fight lasted for several more hours until about four o’clock. Coincidentally that night, the town of La Napoule had a firework display celebrating something or other, and so I told the UFOs it was the humans celebrating the fact the UFOs lost the battle. It’s funny what you can get away with in the heat of the moment.

In 2003 I was in Denver for a week waiting to go to Mexico. I wanted to take on the UFOs over mount Popocatepetl just south of Mexico City. While in Denver, I got a strong feeling to stay in my room so I didn’t go out all week but on the last night I decided to go for a walk, and as I came out of the hotel from under the portico, I saw a UFO in the distance about five hundred yards away. When it saw me it instantly started to fly in my direction. So I dropped my hands to load the bangles and absolutely nothing happened, blank-nada-nuffin’ . I spooked and I ducked back into the hotel double-quick. And I never did find the UFOs at Popopcatepetl; they were hiding.

Naturally I wondered what happened to the bangles and this year I was watching the Morph one day and I asked about them and I was shown three silver bangles around the northern hemisphere. The first was quite high up not far down from the North Pole, the next one was about the latitude of northern Europe and the third one was only half way round the earth and it was on a latitude of Washington say. I realized the UFOs were being beaten out of the northern part of the world and that they would have to move south, which is why there has been a spate of UFO flotillas sighted in Central and South America. But in the end, they will get beaten out of the southern hemisphere as well but for some reason the process began in the north. So we don’t need the bangles, they are all around us, in the north anyway.

The UFOs talk to people’s minds and drive them toward the demonic. They capture people by enticing them into the mystery, which is why the UFOs fly in a peek-a-boo way, you see them then you don’t. It’s all to do with selling you the idea of technologically advanced space civilizations. Advanced? Not exactly, the UFOs couldn’t organize a piss up in brewery! But they are lethal as they control a vast swathe of the human mind, and they drive humans toward war and mayhem.

Once they start to entrap you, the buggy-eyed Grays will show up in your bedroom and then they will take you etherically and make you theirs, especially if you are a power trip person that likes the idea of being aligned to a supposedly superior force. We have no technology for rescuing people from abduction. But we do know one thing and that is if you take a DMT substance like yopo or ayahuasca say, the UFOs lose you for the length of time that you are on the DMT journey. It drives them nut because it represents a loss of control to them. We have been shown that but we have not learned how to rescue a person while they are out from under the UFOs surveillance.   It could well be that once the silver bangles form all the way around the earth, maybe in the next year or two, then all those humans that have been mentally or etherically abducted that were carried away, will be released and set free.

To stay safe you need just to ignore them and ridicule them and keep yourself away. Once they know you are not interested or influenced, they float off to find others instead. Many UFO researchers die young of mysterious diseases that come on very fast that are not curable. Most of the UFOs are fairly hopeless but there are ones that have a pulse that they fire that is rather deadly.

© Stuart Wilde 2005 – www.stuartwilde.com


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >