Supernatural Powers

Some of my friends that watch the Morph regularly are developing supernatural powers. It’s not just clairvoyance and the ability to peer into other worlds but it is also, strange, heightened senses. A lady I know in her mid-thirties has recently developed an acute telescopic sense of smell. She was telling me that she discovered to her surprise that she could smell a leather briefcase at a distance of two city blocks. An American friend––a family man in his fifties, told me he could smell people and identify them from across the street. Some, he said, have a very beautiful, very distinct smell, while others are quite vile, even from twenty or thirty yards away.

For a while, three years ago, I could see with my eyes closed. I used to hold my fingers up to my face and wiggle them about at night in a darkened room, when my eyes were shut. I could see them quite clearly. Then the ability left me. Then another person told me she had the same experience. She’s a mucho-moolah executive in a big company. I watched her one day sleeping on a sofa. Over her eyes, which were firmly shut, there appeared a second set of etheric eyes that were wide open and looking around. It took me a moment or two to get used to it. They looked a bit eerie in the way they moved and watched the room while she slept. The etheric eyes looked very black but shiny and alive, and they moved very fast, much faster than the way eyes normally move.

At least six people I know have developed X-ray vision but only for a few days, they could see right into the skeletal structure of people in the street. One lad, a former chef, spontaneously levitated twice, but that ability also went and it hasn’t come back as yet. It’s a mystery, an interesting one. I think the Morph is showing us what will happen in due course. Strangely, all the supernatural powers people experienced a few years ago are now re-emerging. But they only seem to come back for a short while before leaving again. For three days, two weeks ago, I could suddenly see with my eyes shut once more. Weird.

I think these powers deliberately come and go so people don’t get too carried away. But what I find so interesting is that all the people involved are very ordinary, one or two are teachers and shamans but all the rest are just folk that work in tick-tock, eat fish and chips and watch Bridget’s Dairy. It’s all very encouraging, but perhaps we all have to reach a new humility before we can have these powers to keep. For if we got them now we might not be ready. The time is coming though, humanity must now rise to a new level of perception in order to survive. We will always keep and enjoy mundane things but we also need to see a new world and a new way of handling ourselves.

These supernatural abilities I speak of aren’t even rare. I have just quoted a few here, but I could write pages more of examples that I know of. A girl who works in a pub told me she could breathe underwater. It’s humanly impossible but if you are in a Morph bubble maybe it is possible. Beyond these examples there must be tens of thousands of other strange things happening all over the world that I know nothing about. We got a photo about a month or so ago of a shaman in Brazil dematerializing.

It all spells hope to me. Just as the world plunges into a new darkness, others will see a new light emerge in the distance and they will walk forward without hesitation because it’s their destiny to do so. I find that very moving. Things are developing fast now, we are on our way at last.

Redemption and mayhem are two sides of the same coin. You shuffle off towards one or the other depending on how you feel about humanity.

© 2004 — Stuart Wilde. — All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >