Water Everywhere Nor a Drop to Drink

I’ve said in the past don’t drink the Government water. It’s recycled sewage. The problem is they can’t get the heavy metals out nor many medications that wind up in the water. Fluoride is known to cause severe brain damage; it is stored in the pineal. There is no way to get it out.

Bottled water might be preferable as long as you stay away from Evian and Dasani. Evian has petrol in it for some reason that is not made entirely clear. Dasani is produced by Coke. They openly admit it’s just processed river water from the Thames. Inspectors in England don’t like Dasani as they have discovered it’s full of mysterious things not considered good for you. Half a million bottles of Dasani have been recalled. Coke buys the water out of the tap for almost nothing and sells it to you at a pound a bottle as pure spring water. What is interesting about this is not only the level of Coke’s racketeering but that Dasani water is the same water Londoners drink everyday––re-cycled sewage from the river. If it’s deadly in a Dasani bottle, it’s probably deadly from the tap.

Years ago when I lived in Australia, I enjoyed driving out into the bush in a four-wheel thingy. One day I came upon the reservoir that served the local town. That was a very horrifying experience. I had to have a little sit down to recover. The water was black, pitch black. I wondered how many kangaroos pooping in the bush does it take to change clear water to become black water? I didn’t have a calculator on me at the time so I came to no accurate conclusions.

I installed rainwater tanks at my house to catch the free water that falls from the sky. It’s very pure as kangaroo poop can’t evaporate and become a cloud, nor can heavy metals. Then I ran the water through a series of filters to get rid of leaves that might have flowed off the roof and finally I put the drinking water that is used in the kitchen through a reverse-osmosis system. Clean water at last.

People have been conned into thinking rain water is dangerous, that’s just to get you to buy the Government water, but in fact it’s the cleanest water around. If you have difficulty working it out, just remember kangaroos can’t fly. If you can’t install tanks then at least invest in a reverse-osmosis system. It gives you good protection and it’s much better than filters that aren’t small enough to catch anything other than the larger lumps of grit and poop.

© Stuart Wilde 2004 – www.stuartwilde.com


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >